Bible collections and books:

Our Bible shaped as per favourite Biblia-sources:

Old Testament       New Testament

Old Testament
Part Nr.
Collection Nr.
Book Chapter Abbreviation Notes
God's laws 5 Books of Moses 5 1.Moses: Genesis 50 1Mos|Gene o-01
2.Moses: Exodus 40 2Mos|Exod o-02
3.Moses: Leviticus 27 3Mos|Levi o-03
4.Moses: Numbers 36 4Mos|Numb o-04
5.Moses: Deuteronomy 34 5Mos|Deut o-05
History 12 Early state 3 Joshua 24 Josh o-06
Judges 21 Judg o-07
Ruth 4 Ruth o-08
Kings age 6 Book of Samuel 1 31 1Sam o-09
Book of Samuel 2 24 2Sam o-10
Book of Kings 1 22 1Kin o-11
Book of Kings 2 25 2Kin o-12
Chronicles 1 29 1Chr o-13
Chronicles 2 36 2Chr o-14
Exile 3 Book of Ezra 10 Ezra o-15
Book of Nehemiah 13 Nehe o-16
Book of Esther 10 Esth o-17
Poetry 5 Dependency 1 Book of Job 42 Jobb o-18
Prayers 1 Psalms 150 Psal o-19
Wisdoms 1 Proverbs 31 Prov o-20
Philosophy 1 Ecclesiastes (Teacher, Preacher, Predicator, Philosopher) 12 Eccl o-21
Love 1 Song of Songs 8 Song o-22
Prophecy 17 Major Prophets 5 The book of the prophet Isaiah 66 Isai o-23
The book of the prophet Jeremiah 52 1Jer o-24
Lamentations of Jeremiah 5 2Jer o-25
The book of the prophet Ezekiel 48 Ezek o-26
The book of the prophet Daniel 12 Dani o-27
Minor Prophets 12 The book of the prophet Hosea 14 Hose o-28
The book of the prophet Joel 3 Joel o-29
The book of the prophet Amos 9 Amos o-30
The book of the prophet Obadiah 1 Obad o-31
The book of the prophet Jonah 4 Jona o-32
The book of the prophet Micah 7 Mica o-33
The book of the prophet Nahum 3 Nahu o-34
The book of the prophet Habakkuk 3 Haba o-35
The book of the prophet Zephaniah 3 Zeph o-36
The book of the prophet Haggai 2 Hagg o-37
The book of the prophet Zechariah 14 Zech o-38
The book of the prophet Malachi 4 Mala o-39
Total number of Collections: 11* Total number of Books: 39 Total number of Chapters: 929 Total number of Books: 39
(* In total is 11, which is one less than 12, which is one of the most important "complete" number of the Bible, like symbolizing that something is missing still from the Bile to be complete: the New Testament!)

Old Testament       New Testament

New Testament
Theme Nr.
Section Nr.
Book Chapter Bible version Notes
Jesus God's son 4 Gospels 4 Matthew 28 Matt u-01
Mark 16 Mark u-02
Luke 24 Luke u-03
John 21 John u-04
History 1 Founding the Church 1 Acts of the Apostles 28 Acts u-05
Letters 21 Paul's letters 14 Paul's letter to Romans 16 Roma u-06
Paul's 1-st letter to Corinthians 16 1Cor u-07
Paul's 2-nd letter to Corinthians 13 2Cor u-08
Paul's letter to Galatians 6 Gala u-09
Paul's letter to Ephesians 6 Ephe u-10
Paul's letter to Philippians 4 Phil u-11
Paul's letter to Colossians 4 Colo u-12
Paul's 1-st letter to Thessalonians 5 1The u-13
Paul's 2-nd letter to Thessalonians 3 2The u-14
Paul's 1-st letter to Timothy 6 1Tim u-15
Paul's 2-nd letter to Timothy 4 2Tim u-16
Paul's letter to Titus 6 Titu u-17
Paul's letter to Philemon 1 Phil u-18
Paul's letter to Hebrews 13 Hebr u-19
Church founders' letters 7 James' letter 5 Jame u-20
Peter's 1 letter 5 1Pet u-21
Peter's 2 letter 3 2Pet u-22
John's 1-st letter 5 1Joh u-23
John's 2-nd letter 1 2Joh u-24
John's 3-rd letter 1 3Joh u-25
Jude's letter 1 Jude u-26
Future 1 Foretelling 1 Book of Revelation 22 Reve u-27